Friday, February 26, 2016

Judaica: Books and resources


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Independent History and Research is the largest publisher of truthful information about Judaism in the English-speaking world. Our information is compassionate and ethical. Our Truth Mission is dedicated to the liberation of all people, with love for all.

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Independent History and Research is a pro-Semitic organization. We teach: "Salvation is of the Jews"

Judaism Discovered
A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit

“Mr. Hoffman - I would like to express my gratitude for your work. I am slowly making my way through Judaism Discovered and several other books and newsletters of yours, and I am not only learning amazing things never imagined, but slowly developing a new way of thought perception. May God richly bless you and your work.”J.M., Princeton, Illinois

Judaism Discovered is a mine of information about Talmudic Judaism. I am astonished by the quality and the abundance of your documentation. Your many quotations from the Talmud and rabbis constitute indisputable argumentation concerning the anti-Christian enterprise of Judaism, and also the compromises of the governments and the Catholic Church with Judaism...I wish success for your book…” —Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, Econe, Switzerland 

Deconstructing the rabbinic texts line by line, Michael Hoffman has discovered a terra incognita: Orthodox Judaism as the ideological survival of the most ossified traditions of Babylonian paganism, concealed beneath a complex system of dissimulation and misdirection. His unsparing thesis is a radical challenge to Judaism's claims to Biblical provenance and probity. Partial list of subjects: Principal Sources of the Divine Law of Judaism; Deceit Mechanisms and Defense Mechanisms; No "Judeo-Christian" Tradition; Judaism's Hermeneutic of Concealment; Power Over the Court System; the Tarnish on Hillel's Golden Rule; Permissible Lying and Deceit; From Kabbalah to Aggadah: A Sexual Progression; Hasidic Paganism; Kabbalistic Renaissiance; Gentiles are not to be trusted; Talmud and Women; Jesus in the Talmud; Child Molestation; Halachos of Manslaughter; Maimonides: Rabbinic Worker of Iniquity; Maimonides and Islam; the Noachide Hoax; Anti-Black Racism; 'Sin Chicken'; Cursing the homes and graves of gentiles and Christians; Images and Talismans; Circumcision; Abortion; Ritual Murder; the Talmud and Kabbalah in Protestantism and Catholicism; the Menstrual Science of the Rabbis; Judaism and Kabbalah: An Inseparable Unity; Purim; the Golem; Converts and Conversions; the Kosher Food Racket; the Kol Nidrei Nullification of Vows; Critics, Criticism and Apologetics; and much more!
Massive, 1100 pages. Quality softcover textbook for advanced students

Judaism Discovered for sale to U.S. Residents:
Judaism Discovered Canadian customers: 

Judaism Discovered Foreign customers: 

Here's the condensed version for the general reader:
Revised and Expanded

“If you don’t read any other book besides the Bible this year, be sure to read Judaism’s Strange Gods.”  

— Dr. Chuck Baldwin, nationally recognized patriot-pastor, educator, and former presidential candidate

Hello Michael: My wife and I have finished reading Judaism's Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded. Read every word. Studied every word. Marked it all up with highlighting and comments all over the place. I want to be able to go back and find stuff. And there’s an awful lot of stuff. And before I go any further, I want to tell you that you are a hero. You have provided a blessing to the Church, and to the world beyond computing. I cannot imagine the painstaking hours you invested in research in order to compile all this information as you have done. Simply incredible. 

Paul T., Blue Springs, Missouri 

Judaism's Strange Gods is the best book under 400 pages for educating people about the hidden side of this creed. This volume contains all of Christian scholar Michael Hoffman's main facts and most effective research, in an easy-to-read, quality paperback. Judaism's Strange Gods is a condensed version of Hoffman's massive reference work, Judaism Discovered (see above). 

Talmudism is overwhelming  the Right wing, masquerading as a family values partner with patriots against the forces of evil. On the Left, it poses as a progressive partner with peace activists. Hoffman deconstructs that facade in clear and understandable writing, and does so charitably, and without vitriol. Christian bookstores are packed with tomes purporting to unmask the religion of Islam, but not one slim volume will be found delving into the arcana of rabbinic Talmudism. Judaism's Strange Gods corrects that imbalance with irrefutable documentation. 

Softcover. Illustrated. Glossary. Index. 381 pages.

Sample Contents: Principle Sources of the Divine Law of the Religion of Orthodox Judaism; The Rabbinic Eras; Rabbinic Law vs. Biblical Law; Judaism's Attack On The Prophets And Patriarchs; The Talmud: Only a Record of Debates?; "The Babylonian Talmud Represents God in the Flesh"; Judaism's Hermeneutic of Concealment in Theory and Practice; The Tarnish on Hillel's Golden Rule; A Gigantic Heap of Self-Perpetuating Legal and Textual Arcana; Falsifying Scripture with Gezera Shava; "A Hedge Around the Law"; Loopholes And Escape Clauses; "The Pious of the Nations" Loophole; Four Exegetical Categories: PaRDeS;  Outright Lies and Deception; Permissible Categories of Lying; The Deceiver's Gloss on Exodus 23:7; Why Women Have Not Been Allowed to Study the Talmud; Bribery; Defrauding Workers; The Authority of the Talmud; The Inferiority of Gentiles; Gentile is not a Brother or a Neighbor; Jews May Kill Non-Jews; Torat Hamelech: Warrant For The Murder Of Gentiles; The Status of the Gentile in Jewish Law; Non-Jews are "Supernal Refuse"; The Halachos of Manslaughter: "Lifting and Lowering";  Judaism Teaches: Abraham & Isaac were Tainted with Lust; Rabbinic Texts are a Virulent Source of Anti-Black Racism; Every Gentile's Mother, Daughter and Sister: NShGZ; New World Order: U.S. Government Lays The Groundwork For Talmudic Courts; Christians in the Talmud; Escape Clauses and Loopholes Concerning the Rabbinic Ban on Churches; Talmud Citations Concerning Christianity; Balaam: The Talmud's Code Name for Jesus; Christianity Alleged to be a Form of Prostitution; Mary the Mother of Jesus as "Sedata" (a promiscuous woman); Establishing a Legal Principle for Courtroom Entrapment of Christ and Christians; Pandera and Balaam: Jesus as a Bastard in the Talmud; Origen Contra the Antichrist Rabbinic Calumnies of Celsus; Anti-Goyimitic and Anti-Christian Hatred; Divine Mandate to Kill Jesus Christ and Christians; Judaism's Reincarnation Dogma;  Star of Bohemia, Not David; Kaparot: The Sin Chicken; The X-Rated Talmud; Judaism and Menstruation; Judaism and Abortion; Converts and Conversions to Judaism; Yom Kippur and the Kol Nidrei Nullification of Vows; Judaism's Holy Days; Birkat HaMinim: The Curse on Christians; Glossary of terms; Index. 

For shipping purposes, please choose the correct selection from the drop-down menu (U.S., Canadian or Overseas customer):

Judaism’s Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded (latest, 2011 edition)




The Talmud Tested

“...unparalleled knowledge of Jewish history, religion and Hebrew...the foremost gentile expert on Jewish matters.”—John J. Moscrop, Measuring Jerusalem

"An apologetic and polemic almost without rival." —Walter Riggans, Biographical Dictionary

Partial list of Contents

Judaism’s perversion of Moses • Rabbinic injustice to women, slaves and gentiles • Rabbinic intolerance toward other nations •Hatred in the Talmud contrasted with charity in the Bible •Compulsory conversion of gentiles •Judaism’s ‘anti-semitic’ attitude toward fellow Jews regarded as am ha’aretz •Impoverished Jews whipped for accepting help from Christians •Converts to Christianity to be killed •Rabbinic contempt for sons of Noah • Intolerance of rabbinic prayers •Rabbinic lies and legends •Judaism a heathen religion: astrology, charms and amulets •Excommunication in Judaism •Synagogue system based on the oral law •Members of the Sanhedrin had to be skilled in magic •Polygamy •Divorce •Judaism’s oppression of the poor •Propaganda techniques and tricks of rabbinic deceit •Judaism as moral and intellectual slavery. •Rabbinic authority exalted above all others •Jews forbidden to love their gentile neighbors •Rabbinic permission to violate God’s commands •The rabbinic criminal code • The impenitent Jew at the tribunal of God’s judgment • and much more.

What is unique about this book?

Alexander McCaul reproduces on page after page of this volume, passages from the Babylonian Talmud and other sacred rabbinic texts in their original Hebrew and Aramaic, and then translates them into English, so there can be no question of misquoting, or “taking out of context.” The Talmud Tested offers incontestable documentary proof that Judaism leads it followers to mental and spiritual bondage in this world and eternal damnation in the next. Michael Hoffman writes: “This is the most convincing and comprehensive Christian textbook on Judaism since Eisenmenger, and it has the advantage of being in English, in clear, modern type. Open-minded persons who study it from cover to cover are unlikely to be deceived by the rabbis to any considerable degree ever again. Dr. McCaul’s phenomenal scholarship effectively inoculates his readers against the epidemic of Talmudic confusion engulfing our nation.”

A Personal Note from Michael Hoffman
"It has long been our objective to publish Alexander McCaul’s masterwork. He was the Victorian Eisenmenger. What is best about the McCaul book, besides being in English, are the numerous Hebrew citations printed on many pages and then translated into English, which he uses to convict the rabbis, by their own words, of deceit, guile, malice, idolatry etc. This edition of The Talmud Tested from Independent History and Research represents the clearest and most readable McCaul facsimile on the market, and it is supplemented by the new introduction, wherein readers learn of the extent to which “Jews” were considered the natural object of missionary zeal when Christianity was still worthy of the name. If thousands of copies of this book were to be circulated among Christian leaders and open-minded persons of good will, we could see something wonderful develop."

Softcover. 715 pages (660 + 55 page introduction). 

The Talmud Tested customers to purchase: visit this link and scroll toward the bottom of the page.



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